Social Initiatives

Initiatives to Address Sustainability

Social Initiatives


PHC Group has identified materiality topics and set KPIs and targets that are linked to our Mid-term Plan (VCP). In terms of social initiatives, we are focusing on healthcare innovation, product excellence, supply chain, expanded access, and people & culture, and are committed to promoting these goals throughout the Group.
PHC Group creates new value in our business through healthcare innovation, prioritizing product safety and quality. By providing high-quality, cutting-edge products, we contribute to the development of new treatments and the quality of medical care. We are also working to improve access to healthcare by expanding markets in emerging and developing countries. We believe that strengthening our supply chain should include addressing environmental and human rights issues, and we strive to conduct responsible procurement and supply chain activities.
Furthermore, we believe in creating a workplace environment where people with diverse backgrounds and perspectives can work together to deliver value to society. We seek to foster a dynamic global culture for our employees to better serve our customers.

Manufacturing Conference Supports Continuous Learning

Manufacturing Conference Supports Continuous Learning image

PHC Group’s annual Manufacturing Conference, which involves all divisions of the company, was held for the 25th time in fiscal year 2023. This internal conference is essential for passing down the manufacturing DNA that has been shared across PHC Group since our founding as Matsushita Kotobuki Electronics Co., Ltd. in Japan in 1969. At the conference, PHC Group businesses share information on best practices, reflections, and discoveries regarding time savings, cost reductions, quality improvements, and new processes. The meeting concludes with a review from management on key trends and lessons learned. This annual meeting of the minds has strengthened the manufacturing capabilities of the entire Group, and the long-term accumulation of knowledge has become a strength that is unique to PHC Group.

Creating Healthcare Innovation that Supports Business Development


As indicated in our mission, creating innovative healthcare solutions is the source of our corporate value. PHC Group has cultivated unique health technology over the last 55 years, and we seek to continually improve upon our own best efforts. When the opportunity arises to create new value by combining our technology with external partners, we seek to actively collaborate with universities, research institutes, and business partners.
Through this approach to innovation, we seek to create new patented products and unique services to improve healthcare.


FrostLess Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers Achieve Energy-Saving Performance and Significantly Reduced Frost Formation
- Biomedical Division -

The PHC Biomedical Division’s -85℃ CFC-free FrostLess ultra-low temperature freezer is a new product that builds upon the energy-saving performance of the VIP ECO SMART series and tackles the long-standing challenge of minimizing frost formation.
Demand for ultra-low temperature freezers is increasing for vaccine and cell and gene therapy research and development. In the laboratory setting, frequent opening and closing of the freezer door can cause frost to form inside the freezer and cause issues at research sites. The FrostLess line significantly reduces frost buildup on the inner door by adding vacuum insulation panels to the insulation material on the inner door to improve insulation performance. This reduces the frequency of defrosting work and reduces work time by up to 60%*1 compared to conventional models*2, reducing the workload at research sites. In addition, by utilizing highly energy-efficient natural refrigerants and unique technologies such as a new inverter compressor and two-dimensional refrigeration inverter control*3, the power consumption per day is reduced to 7.1 kWh*4, and power consumption is reduced by approximately 32% compared to the conventional model*5.
We will seek to continue to provide products that meet the needs of research sites while contributing to global environmental conservation.

MDF-DU700ZHS1-PJ(725L)image / Comparison of frost formation with conventional model*2 figure
  • *1Based on PHCbi’s internal verification results (comparison with conventional model MDF-U76V. Environmental conditions = temperature/humidity: 30℃/80% Operation period: 30 days, Load: No load, Number of product door opening/closing: 150 times in total during verification period, 30 seconds/time)
  • *2MDF-U76V
  • *3Patent No. 6603394 obtained. Received the 2021 Kanto Regional Invention Award “Gunma Prefecture Governor Award”
  • *4Actual value of MDF-DU700ZHS1 (100V/60Hz) at room temperature 23℃, set temperature -80℃, and with no load.
  • *5MDF-DU700VH

Contributing to Regenerative and Cellular Medicine by Strengthening Strategic Partnership with Cyfuse Biomedical K.K.
- PHC Corporation -

PHC Corporation is strengthening its strategic partnership with Cyfuse Biomedical K.K., with the aim of expanding the market in the regenerative and cellular medicine field. Utilizing Cyfuse's bio-3D printing technology, we are promoting the practical application of innovative regenerative medical products such as nerve regeneration, osteochondral regeneration, and blood vessel regeneration. We utilize PHC's proprietary traceability system to establish a high-quality production environment and rational production management, and are building a production system for commercialization.


Product Excellence


To protect human health, strict safety and quality control measures based on global laws and regulations and approval are essential. In order to promote health and safety in our products, PHC Group prioritizes product risk management, management of chemical substances contained in products, full compliance with laws and regulations at the design stage, and supplier audits. In addition, we are focusing on three points to promote an effective Quality Management System (QMS) that reflects global requirements as well as customer requests and quality needs in the creation of products and services:

  • Creating customer-oriented
    products and services
  • Valid and effective QMS
  • “Quality first”
    mindset and actions


Safety and Quality Initiatives

Based on the concept of "quality first," each PHC Group business has acquired certifications such as ISO 9001 and ISO 13485, and operates by incorporating these quality management systems into their internal system. The coverage rate of our manufacturing bases has reached 100% and we strive to maintain the highest quality standards.
In each business, we hold quality management review meetings including participation from management, to ensure that quality is our top priority. We have established a system of “corrective action and preventive action” (CAPA), which enables us to prevent or correct problems at the first sign of an issue based on feedback from employees and customers.
Our product testing includes preventive testing for emerging quality and safety concerns. In addition, in order to create customer-oriented products and services, we collect customer feedback in each business and utilize the feedback we receive in product and service development. Furthermore, we have enhanced the scope and frequency of employee training, with all employees receiving training at least once a year to ensure that quality is our top priority.

Safety and Quality Initiatives figure

Ascensia Diabetes Care’s Activity to Support the Diabetes Community

Ascensia Diabetes Care’s Activity to Support the Diabetes Community image

Ascencia Diabetes Care demonstrates its commitment to the diabetes community and supports people with diabetes and their families through campaigns and educational activities. A variety of initiatives are underway, including an image competition related to the International Diabetes Federation's official theme of "Access to Diabetes Care" and a campaign celebrating the importance of nurses. Through a digital art campaign focused on supporting families, Ascensia contributes to raising awareness of diabetes and promotion of support, in close collaboration with the diabetes community.

Enhancement of Supply Chain Management


PHC Group aims to support Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in our supply chain by working together with our suppliers to advance our policy of being a "partner in creating products and services that deliver value to our customers."


CSR Procurement Guidelines

Reflecting the demands of the international community, we have updated our procurement guidelines to include CSR indicators such as human rights and labor, health and safety, the environment, corporate ethics and compliance, information security, quality and safety, social contribution, and management systems, and have also posted these guidelines on our website. By working with our suppliers to promote business activities that comply with these CSR priorities, we will work to advance issues such as respect for human rights, environmental protection, and fair trade. These guidelines aim to promote best practices in sustainability across PHC Group, and are aligned with our ESG goals through collaboration with suppliers.

PHC Group Procurement Guidelines sustainability/pdf/PHC_CSR_Procurement_Guideline.pdf

Supply Chain Management

PHC Group conducted a supplier CSR assessment survey with its major business partners, and achieved a response rate of over 90%. The contents of the survey are reviewed every year and updated as appropriate. Additionally, as part of environmental audits, our procurement department and quality management department collaborated to formulate a supplier checklist for auditing the management system for chemical substances contained in products, and conduct audits accordingly.
PHC Group checks supplier responses for the parts each supplier provides, informs suppliers about relevant social and environmental issues, and monitors supplier changes. Additionally, we are promoting internal procurement initiatives that seek cost optimization and reduction of environmental impact, as part of our efforts to realize a sustainable society.

Social Activities for PHC Indonesia

Social Activities for PHC Indonesia image

PHC Indonesia aims to contribute to a sustainable future through work with its local communities. About 20 volunteers have visited local elementary schools to provide environmental education, plant trees, and donate trash cans. The team has also planted mangrove trees on Tidung Island and repaired ceilings and walls at a nearby elementary school. Other activities include visiting orphanages and providing environmental education and donations.

Expanded Access


Disparities in healthcare access are a top challenge facing the healthcare industry. In addition to differences in the quality of medical care available from country to country, there are also differences within developed countries between urban areas and rural or less populated areas.
By expanding sales of a range of products to emerging and developing markets, PHC Group will seek to contribute to creating a society in which health technologies and therapies can reach more people. We are also working to address disparities in healthcare access by promoting telemedicine initiatives that allow people in rural or less-populated areas to connect with doctors through digital devices. This makes it possible for people to receive diagnoses and medical treatment regardless of where they live.


Outlook for Teladoc HEALTH: Collaboration with Medical Institutions and Pursuit of Synergy
- Wemex Corporation -

Teladoc HEALTH is a real-time telemedicine system that can be remotely controlled by a physician. Designed to provide peace of mind by enabling connecting with physicians at any time in any setting, the system provides online connection for healthcare institutions that have few specialists and with specialists in remote areas. Teladoc HEALTH is used in a variety of telemedicine situations such as the following:

  • Remote area healthcare
  • Perinatal/neonatal care
  • Emergency/intensive care
  • Disaster medical care
  • Infectious disease control
  • Home care

Employee Voices

Takeo Kogure

Takeo KogureGeneral Manager
Telemedicine Solution Department Digital Health Division
Wemex Corporation

The introduction of a telemedicine systems has the potential to fundamentally change the way conventional medical care works. Our work began by searching for doctors who would be willing to take the first step together. We first had to demonstrate through concrete operations that the telemedicine system can not only improve access to medical care, but also significantly contribute to improving the quality of medical care and reduce the burden on doctors. Every time I hear stories about how telemedicine systems have played an important role, especially in emergency medicine, neonatal care, and remote medical care, I am inspired to work even more passionately to promote the use of telemedicine systems.
We seek to continue working with doctors to further popularize telemedicine systems and build the future of medical care.

In regions of Japan that are experiencing both an aging of the population and a shortage of medical resources, the travel burden of visiting a doctor may be higher and it is necessary to cover a wide range of specialized fields efficiently. To help address these issues, we are promoting the introduction and operation of telemedicine after pilot tests.
In the Tokuji region of Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan, a medical MaaS vehicle "MEDICAL MOVER*6" equipped with a telemedicine system has been introduced. A nurse rides in the vehicle and the system enables medical examinations by a remote doctor, with the aim of improving access to medical care for local residents.
Oshima Clinic in Hagi City, also in Yamaguchi Prefecture, has introduced the real-time telemedicine system "Doctor Cart*7," which connects new doctors on remote Japanese islands with more experienced doctors on the mainland to provide medical support. The clinic seeks to improve the quality of medical care in remote areas and reduce the burden on doctors.

"Doctor Cart" and "Teladoc HEALTH Viewpoint*8" have also been introduced at Hokkaido's public Memuro Hospital, where they are being used for virtual home visits and emergency room care. We believe that these systems will contribute to a sustainable system for local medical care and help reform the way doctors work.
As for future developments, we will seek to expand our collaboration with medical institutions and also work on seeking synergies with other companies.

Scene of MEDICAL MOVER's visit image
Scene of MEDICAL MOVER's visit
Conversation via Doctor Cart image
Conversation via
Doctor Cart

People & Culture


We believe that the growth of individual employees is the driving force behind the development of our Group. To encourage such growth, we aim to create a vibrant and inclusive workplace environment where people with diverse backgrounds and experiences can learn new skills and technologies, create new innovations, solve problems as part of a team, and experience personal growth on a global scale. To realize this goal, we have established three pillars of our human resources policy: respect for diversity, creation of a initiative foundation for collaboration, and activation of human resources.


Engagement Survey
- PHC Group -

Every year, PHC Group conducts an employee engagement survey of all of our global employees. The most recent survey achieved a response rate of 89%, with over 9,900 employees participating in the survey. This response rate was higher than last year and 14% higher than the global benchmark. Each Group company takes actions to improve employee engagement based on the survey results.

Developing the Next-Generation of Leaders
- PHC Group -

At the end of last fiscal year, we launched the PHC Group Executive Development Program, internally referred to as PHC Academy. Twenty participants selected from a range of countries are participating in the first cohort of the program over a period of one-and-a-half years. The program aims to support potential future executive to help build sustainable organizations. PHC Academy participants join continuous leader development activities with a view to developing the next-generation of leaders.

Brand Identity
- Epredia -

Epredia recently refreshed its global brand identity. Through brand research and workshops involving customers, we identified that passionate people and strong relationships are key points of differentiation for Epredia. The company introduced an updated brand that focuses on people and demonstrates how this brand adds value to the products.


Values and Standards of Conduct
- Mediford Corporation -

At Mediford Corporation, early- to mid-career employees played a central role in formulating our Values and Standards of Conduct.

Click here for more information about Mediford’s values (Japanese only)

Employee Voices

Shuuhei Aoyama

Shuuhei AoyamaWest Japan Sales Group
Sales Management Department
Mediford Corporation

We are focused on team building to encourage active communication between colleagues who were previously part of separate business units, for instance before Mediford Corporation was established as a PHC Group subsidiary. In the future, we plan to carry out activities to educate employees about Mediford’s values and Standards of Conduct so that all employees can collaborate to embody these principles.