Environmental Initiatives

Climate Change


PHC Group has set a carbon neutral goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to virtually zero by 2040. This goal is based on global frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement, and the entire Group is working to achieve this goal by prioritizing energy efficiency and climate change countermeasures.
The Paris Agreement, adopted in 2015, has led to a growing movement among companies to set science-based greenhouse gas emission reduction targets (SBT: Science Based Targets) on their own initiative in support of global efforts to combat climate change. PHC Group made an SBT commitment in December 2023 and is in the process of setting near-term targets based on SBT. In this way, we are promoting operational efficiency and energy-saving measures, and are currently formulating a plan to switch the power used in our offices to renewable energy sources.
PHC Group is also working to enhance information disclosure in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. Specifically, we are evaluating risks and opportunities through Scope 3 (direct and indirect emissions) calculations and scenario analysis, and are formulating countermeasures and transition plans.
Through these initiatives, PHC Group is making steady progress toward addressing climate change and advancing a sustainable society through our business.


Carbon Neutral Initiatives
- Biomedical Division -

Climate change is a global issue, and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is important in the healthcare industry. In the Gunma area of Japan, where our Biomedical Division is located, we have undertaken various initiatives for energy saving and preservation of natural resources at the factory and the office in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040. In particular, we are implementing capital investment and eco-actions at the factory, energy savings through streamlining manufacturing processes, and energy savings in the product development.
We are making efforts to reduce CO2 emissions in our factory equipment by switching to LED lighting, reducing the pressure of air compressors in the manufacturing process, and replacing chillers (cooling water circulation devices) in the foaming process.
Additionally, we utilized AI to streamline the manufacturing process and the final product inspection process for ultra-low temperature (ULT) freezers. By reducing the inspection time per ULT freezer, we have achieved a reduction in CO2 emissions.

We are also carrying out initiatives in product development, where we are steadily progressing toward realization of CFC-free products. The VIP ECO SMART ULT freezer in particular boasts industry-leading energy-saving performance and has received International Energy Star certification*1, an international certification given to products with excellent energy efficiency. In May 2023, the VIP ECO SMART received the “Outstanding New Product Award” at ISBER (International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories) 2023*2. We will continue to promote reductions in GHG emissions through our business activities and product development.

PHCbi's -85°C CFC-free ultra-low temperature freezer VIP ECO SMART series with industry-leading energy-saving performance
PHCbi's -85°C CFC-free ultra-low temperature freezer VIP ECO SMART series with industry-leading energy-saving performance
  • *1The Energy Star-certified products with US specification are as follows: MPR-S1201XH-PA, MDF-DU703VHPA. Other product numbers MDF-DU703VHA-PA, MDF-DU702VH-PA, and MDF-DU901VHA-PA are also applicable.
  • *2VIP ECO SMART (product number: MDF-DU703VH/VHA-PA)

Reduction of Dry Ice (CO2) Use for Specimen Transportation

Previously, LSIM used dry ice to transport frozen specimens received from hospitals and clinics across Japan. The difficulty of reusing dry ice, accompanying CO2 emissions, unstable supply, and the risks of air transportation all presented challenges.
To address these issues, we introduced a new cold storage agent as a substitute for dry ice. After establishing an operational method, we began transporting items using the cold storage agent at five locations, successfully reducing the amount of dry ice used by 30% and saving approximately 5.7 million yen compared to the previous year. In the future, we will introduce the new cold storage agent in our Group companies nationwide, aiming to ultimately reduce the amount of dry ice used to zero.

Members of the Nagoya Office who participated in consideration
Members of the Nagoya Office who participated in consideration

Employee Voices

Yuuko Hoshi

Yuuko HoshiProcess Technology Strategy
Group and Department
LSI Medience Corporation

Led by the Process Technology Strategy Department, we collaborated with the Sales department and the manufacturer of a cold storage agent to consider transportation boxes and management methods for the new cooling approach. We discussed how best to store the agent, and after exchanging opinions and cooperating with the people collecting the agent many times, we were able to establish a unified, easy-to-understand and easy-to-use method.